Aspire & thrive in a changing world
Learning how to think like an entrepreneur can change your life!
Whether you want to build a business, transform an organisation or reinvent your career, by growing-up-again, developing an entrepreneurial mindset can ignite your ambitions, creativity, self-resilience, resourcefulness and confidence, essential if you are to to adapt and thrive in today's rapidly changing world.
ASPIRE has created and drawn from the Award Winning Research Cheryl Bass carried out during her
I am so looking forward to delivering my GROUP ONLINE Award Winning Signature Programme ASPIRE starting Friday October 8th 2021 online live via Zoom, delivered 9.30am - 1pm.
The programme consists of eight highly interactive and participative Master Classes.
Each Master Class starts at 9.30 and concludes at 13.00.
The eight Master Classes are delivered bi-weekly.
In-between the Master Classes you can enjoy one-to-one pre-arranged flexible accountability/business review online meet-ups with your accountability partner/buddy.
Prior to you starting the programme I will make arrangements with you via email for us to have an hour one-to-one onboarding mentoring session with you. This will enable you to ask me any burning questions and for you to feel thoroughly prepared to launch into my ASPIRE Programme.
You will be sent via email:
- An ASPIRE Student Handbook that covers all of the background to the programme.
- Details how to register yourself as a Institute of Leadership & management Student and start accessing all of your online benefits.
- A Manifesting Plan
- A Business Career Plan
- A paperback copy of my best selling 'Your Fifteen Minute Manifestation Journal' and an online workshop link
- Master Class One Workbook
- Your ASPIRE reference code so you can jump online and access our resources.
- A link to our Private Facebook Group
If you need to ask me any questions you can send me an email or post it within our Private Facebook Group which you will be already joined into prior to the commencement of the programme.
Each Tuesday of the Master Class week you will receive via your email mailbox an email with an attachment which will include your e-workbook and any exercises or additional useful resources for that upcoming Friday.
You will also be sent your Zoom link so that you can join me online at 9.30am.
If you need to miss a week you can be sent a recording of the Master Class week you have missed.
Mid-programme you and I will arrange a one-to-one mentoring session together as I will be eager to catch-up with your progress and hand-hold you through your next steps.I might need to help you either by signposting you to other resources, helping you work through implementing your learning or putting some of your ideas into action.
Yes - you can do ASPIRE one-to-one offering you the opportunity to go deep and work one-on-one together, within a format and time frame that matches both our busy schedules.
One-to-one delivery translates into us working together to transform you and your business, offering you total confidentiality and my single focus.
You will receive a flexible but highly supportive learning experience.
We will be exploring together and applying the learning directly to you and your business.
In-between the Master Classes we will schedule a 90 minute mentoring sessions and business accountability mentoring sessions with you ensuring you get the maximum guidance and insight you need to put all the transformational strategies into practice.
Yes you can chose to enjoy participating in ASPIRE as part of a 'One-to-One Life Lifting Retreat' experience.
Relax, refocus and recharge at my beautifully stylish farmhouse near the beautiful South Wales coastline, where you can take time out from working in your business, to work on your business.
DAY 1:
13.00 - Arrive to a delicious afternoon tea.
14.00 - We take off to the coast to walk and review your personal and business goals working on this particular programme theme.
16.00 - We return and review and set tomorrows goals.
17.00 - Time for you to reflect, journal and chill.
DAY 2:
9.00 - Continental breakfast
10.00 - Our Master Class begins - Part 1
13.00 - Lunch
14.00 - 17.00 - Our Master Class - Part 2
17.00 - Time for you to reflect, journal and chill.
DAY 3:
9.00 Continental breakfast
10.00 - Our action planning related to transformational implementation begins.
13.00 - Lunch and leave
Click here to look at my 'One-To-One Life Lifting Retreat' page to view and read further retreat and accommodation information.
This programme will help you develop a deeper level of self-awareness of you and how and why you do the things you do, in the way that you do in your business.
Together we will start diluting everything that has held you back from being the very best version of you in business. This could include reprogramming any limiting beliefs, self sabotages or negative ways of thinking and being.
I will be helping you grow up again by walking you through your life story, childhood development experiences and unpacking how you might be running outdated ways of being, thinking, feeling.
You quickly start releasing powerful and potent entrepreneurial talent because everything which could be having a negative impact on how you do business is re-programmed to prepare you and your mind for manifesting what you desire in your life and business.
Suddenly you start noticing how much more joyful you are becoming. Together we start maneuvering you towards thinking about your potential, your dreams, your aspirations. After all, so as you think, you become.
You start noticing you have more energy. This happens when you start removing your thinking and feeling blockages. Your body will feel more relaxed and more in tune with your inner joy.
You might even start losing the weight you have been hanging onto. Sometimes when we store a very negative picture of ourselves, situations we have found ourselves in, trauma or hungry ghosts, we can feel a hole in our bellies that somehow we think we can fill with food. As the hole fills up with self-love, we can find that we no longer need to feed the hungry ghosts with anymore.
You start feeling you and your life is in-flow. In-flow means that we get that feeling that we are who we always wanted to become and are doing what we always desired to be doing.
Your optimism returns and you can see a really positive way forward. You start putting plans in place to realise your dreams, you start building your career, your future investments and a life you always wished for but never though you deserved.
This programme has been designed to help you transform and grow, whether you are starting-up, pivoting, getting your products and services positioned for marketing online or scaling-up locally,nationally or internationally.
Week-by-week I will be walking you a process of growing up a business from inception to how to launch celebrity brands. You will quickly get to grips with your marketplace and learn how to position what you do. This will supercharge how you take your products to market and how you reap your financial rewards.
You will start to understand how your numbers work and how they need to work to build profit. I work with you in simple but powerful ways. There will be no more tears or terror when it come to your numbers. They will be replaced with grounded knowledge of how to make your numbers work for you in your business.
My aim is that when you finish the programme that you will have:
- Thoroughly enjoyed the learning experience of partaking in the delivery of ASPIRE and have built beautiful relationships and collaboration opportunities with the other entrepreneurs.
- You business starts booming and what started as an idea you were so excited to make a reality, has turned into a business opportunity that offers you joy, contentment, time and financial freedom.
- You will have obtained professional qualifications and really benefited from using all of the Institute of Leadership & Management online tools and resources and have participated in further online learning with them.
- You really got to grips with building your workable and sustainable business model going forward with my help and that of your Accountability Buddy
- You have an ongoing plan for transformational change, leave clearly knowing what you need to do and how you are going to either start-up or scale-up your business.
- You continue to have at your disposal a host of entrepreneurial and business building tools and techniques you have learnt from taking part in the programme you have the confidence to use ongoing in any business you decide to develop in the future.
- Your vision and values continue to drive your business. You move forward with clarity and an understanding of joining up your dots to start making your business a business you fall in love with that's profitable and adds amazing value to your life.
This programme has been designed for both.
As we start right at the beginning of aligning you with the development of your business, it really does offer you the opportunity to press the refresh button and start again - no matter which stage you are at thinking about or actually running yours or someone else's business.